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Showing posts from November, 2014

Reformation Day 31st October

The 31st October is the day that some celebrate as Reformation Day! What is Reformation Day? It's the day that Protestants celebrate Martin Luther's (1483-1546) sending 95 Theses complaining about the selling of 'indulgences' in his parish to the  Archbishop of Mainz and Magdeberg.   Some believe that he nailed the Theses (in Latin) to the door of the church at Wittenberg , October the 31st, at 2 pm 1517 . This action signalled the beginning of a mighty 'protest' across nations against the Papal church's teachings on indulgences and the spiritual supremacy of the Pope as the (Western) Church's leader. What were Indulgences? The Roman clergy were authorised to absolve the guilt of contrite sinners (based on Jn 20.23). But according to Romanist theology, absolution did not mean that the threat of punishment was removed. Therefore, indulgences would be bought as penances for the punishments of sins committed. In Luther's time Johan...

The Law and the Messiah (2)

The Character of the Messiah (Christ) In the second part of Matthew 22.34-46 Jesus asks them a question. It's an important question because it relates directly to the matters raised in the first question-and-answer section found in an earlier post which indirectly brings up the issue of what can be done about our failure to keep the Law. Jesus takes his turn to ask them a question in line with the rules of formal debate of that time between disputants. He asks questions about the Messiah (Christ).  Is the Messiah just a man or more than a man? This issue is the one on which Jesus is concerned to concentrate with them. Whose son is He? Jesus asks.  To which they reply, 'the son of David'. Jesus draws their attention to Psalm 110.1 in which David says: The Lord (Jehovah) said to my Lord (the Messiah), 'Sit at my right hand, until I put your enemies under your feet.' Jesus presses his point, 'If David calls the Messiah 'Lord' how can the ...