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Showing posts from August, 2015

Hard to Testify to Jehovah's Witnesses at your Door?

Well, yes it is! And there is a particular reason why that is so difficult. Moreover, orthodox Christians often don't realise or don't have a clear picture of this gigantic obstacle between them and Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) when talking  with them .  Actually, the JWs hold a false but determinate assumption; for them it is a bedrock truth but is a lie. Hence,  to lay the groundwork for a successful *   meeting with them  we need to know the nature of this fantastic illusion JWs accept, sometimes, without fully knowing it . The JWs' Fantasy   JWs are held in thrall to an oppressive fabrication of their second leader's fertile imagination. They  seriously imagine the Watch Tower Tract and Bible Society (WTS) to be Jehovah God's only legitimate and trustworthy organisation on earth. All orthodox Christian groups are viewed as corrupted, unreliable and not to be trusted. Furthermore, the WTS is held to be the only means by which God speaks Tru...

Jehovah's Witnesses and the Importance of Dates

The first important date for the Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) was 1799. Charles 'Taze' Russell (1852-1916), the first leader of what later became the JWs promoted 1799 as the 'beginning of the time of the end'.  The organisation kept teaching the date until 1928 ( ) which included time under the JWs second leader Joseph Franklin 'Judge' Rutherford (1969-1942) . 1874 was the next important date and, according to Russell, was to be the year of Christ's coming or 'invisible presence'; the year in which Jesus Christ began to reign on His throne in heaven. 1914 was first prophesied by Russell as the end of the battle of Armageddon (Rev 16.14-16) . So, although you may have heard 1914 published as the year in which Christ's secret presence in the heavens took place, initially, for the first leader of the JWs, it was not so. His presence would mean that in 1914 all the kingdoms of the earth would be struck down and abolis...

Jehovah's Witnesses Used To Worship Jesus

If you ask Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) today do they wor ship Jesus Christ , they will say 'no'. Christians are amaze d at th e news of this missing dimension in the J ehovah's Witness (JW) pr acti ce . BUT, it is perfectly consistent with JW basic beliefs about Jesus Christ Himself. L et us then investigate their basic beliefs about Him . Firstly , they say, 'Jesus was/i s a creation of Jehovah God [Yahweh]', the first 'direct' and only creation of J ehovah . Hence, Jesus did not always exist but, f or JWs, came into existence as a 'spirit- being' exist ing as Michael, the Archangel before his Fath er sent him to earth !     Orthodox Christians find this type of notion strange to say the least. F or them the Son of God is co-eternal with the Father and was in the words of the Nicene Creed , ' begotten not made'. Historically considered, their teaching is known as Arianism. Secondly , JWs say, that Jesus while on earth...