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The Sign Jesus Did With Water

Like just about everything to do with the Scriptures, debate occurs about what the 'signs' in the fourth gospel account (FGA)1 are and even how many there might be. 

I've decided that it's better to adopt a seven-sign approach (see next paragraph) and understand them as beginning with the water into wine, then the nobleman's servant, the paralytic man at Bethesda, the feeding of the 5000, Jesus walking on water, the man born blind healed, and the raising of Lazarus.

And why be restricted to seven you might be asking? Seven (7) is a highly significant number in the scriptures  as in Genesis 1, the Pentateuch, the prophets, the Book of the Revelation here, and in the FGA, here

Let's look at the beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee.

Water to Wine    

We all know this narrative but it's easy to miss important aspects. Have you ever pondered for instance why this sign is chosen to be the first? It's important for some reason isn't it? Weddings are important in scripture. The Scriptures begin with a wedding in the Garden and they end with Wedding of the Lamb to His bride, the Church

For example, examine Jn 2.11 and note the two parts in the water-into-wine sign: He manifested his glory, and 'his disciples believed on Him'. I should add at this point that the FGA is often divided into 4 parts overall: 
  • The Prologue (1.1-18), 
  • The Book of Signs (1.19 to 12 inclusive), 
  • The Book of Glory (13-20), 
  • an Epilogue (21) 
    but certainly other helpful outlines are to be found.

Glory and Signs are both important throughout John but each of the two main sections above emphasises first Signs and then Glory. The first chapter mentions Christ's glory directly (Jn 1.14) and obliquely (Jn 1.27, 30, 32, 34, 51) and in its just below the surface in Jn 1.1-18; for what does glory mean? It can mean radiance, honour, status, position, praise, acknowledgement of the rightful position of someone, and even worship.

So when the text says, 'He manifested His glory' we can interpret this to mean that Jesus showed His status, His position to the point where THE DISCIPLES believed on Him.

I find that a remarkable thing. These men were His disciples but their faith was still in its early stages or perhaps not even fully present and this mighty sign appears to have either created or confirmed their belief in Him. No one else is said to believe; just his disciples. Why does the author just mention them? 

The author wants the reader to know that Jesus began with a bunch of believers who were immediately sensitive to Christ's signs as to Who He was, even if they were often lacking in belief at crucial times.

What's the sign about?

This Jewish feast ran out of wine and Jesus saved the bridegroom in particular from lasting embarrassment because his wedding feast would have been known in Cana from then on as the wedding feast that had run out of wine! These feasts could go for days up to a week so much wine was needed.

You will notice that Jesus got the servants to fill up 6 stone jars used for purification rites holding about 100 litres each (so 600 litres in total). 

That's about 800 standard bottles of wine! It suggests both the limitation of the Old Covenant but the fullness of the New Covenant that Jesus is inaugurating with his signs, teaching, suffering, death and resurrection. Hallelujah! See Jn 1.17f. The Sign points both to the past (in the Garden) and to the future. It points -because that's what signs do- to the joy of the Wedding Feast of the Bridegroom designated by God, our Lord Jesus Christ.

This theme of the ending of the Old and the establishment of the New is found throughout the FGA (particularly Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6 etc.). A study can be done on the festivals in the FGA (Passover x3, Sabbath, Tabernacles, Dedication) to see how Jesus surpasses the meaning of each of these.

1. I tend to use the acronym FGA because I am not, as yet, convinced that John the disciple was the author of this account. However, it's not especially important that we all agree on such matters.


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